NC State University
Raleigh, NC 27695
NC State University
Raleigh, NC 27695
Job Description Dr. Castillo's program in research and extension is focused on forages and grassland management, the use grasses as bioenergy crops, and development and application of technology to improve productivity and resiliency of pasture-based and integrated-crop-livestock systems. Programs are developed to support County/Regional Extension Agents and aid producers transition towards sustainable forage-livestocks systems.
Website forages.wordpress.ncsu.edu
Recent Posts by Miguel Castillo

Open Enrollment: UAVs to Frost-Seed Forages and Cover Crops in Western North Carolina
Following the impact of Hurricane Helene in western North Carolina, numerous agricultural resources—including livestock handling facilities, row crop fields, …

Bridging the GAP: Technologies to Improve Pasture Management and Winter Feeding
Technologies: Temporary fencing is a versatile tool that allows management of livestock, specially grazing cattle, in the landscape. Bale grazing provides …

Silvopastures of North Carolina and Virginia: Effects on Animal Welfare
Silvopasture in Goldsboro, North Carolina. Silvopasture is a type of agroforestry system that integrates trees, forage, and livestock under a …

NC Hay Samples Rank High at the Southeastern Hay Contest
Since 2015, forage samples from North Carolina have continuously been submitted to the Southeastern Hay Contest and have consistently placed in …
Forage Establishment Considerations for the Mountain Region
Helene’s pass left many damaged pastures, animal handling facilities, and infrastructure. Bottomlands received soil (and mud) at most likely …

Bermudagrass Production in North Carolina
A new factsheet on production and management of Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon L.) in North Carolina has been published. You …
Still Timely to Plant Cool-Season Annual Forages in Western North Carolina
Helene’s pass also left many damaged pastures, animal handling facilities and infrastructure. Bottomlands received soil (and mud) at most …