Khara Grieger
Assistant Professor & Extension Specialist in Env. Health & Risk Assessment Applied Ecologykdgriege@ncsu.eduRaleigh, NC 27695-7617
Raleigh, NC 27695-7617
Job Description Dr. Khara Grieger is currently an Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist in Environmental Health & Risk Assessment within the Dept. of Applied Ecology at NC State. Her research focuses on best practices for risk assessment, risk management, governance, and stakeholder engagement related to governing emerging risks and new technologies. For instance, she is currently pursuing research areas within environmental risk assessments of emerging nanotechnologies, advanced, materials, as well as biotechnologies that inherently have high degrees of complexities and uncertainties, and hence require interdisciplinary assessments to identify and manage risk. Her Extension related work focuses on translating and communicating best practices for risk assessments and risk governance to diverse stakeholder audiences. Dr. Grieger currently serves as Project Director for a USDA/NIFA-funded grant that investigates the societal implications of nanomaterials used in food and agricultural sectors. She is also the PI of a grant that aims to grow the field of risk science in the Research Triangle Park area of NC, through funding provided by the Society for Risk Analysis. Further, she is a Co-PI in a NC State-funded GRIP4PSI grant that develops new technologies for use in the sweetpotato industry in North Carolina (Williams = PI) in which she leads the stakeholder engagement efforts, and Co-PI on a NSF-funded grant that focuses on governance of climate management technologies (Borsuk = PI). She is also involved in the NSF-funded Research Triangle Nanotechnology Network (RTNN) housed at NC State University (Jones = PI), a member of the Center for Human Health and Environment (Smart = PI), and Executive Committee Member in the Genetic Engineering and Society (GES) Center at NC State. In addition to research, Dr. Grieger also serves as an external advisory board member for a large European project focused on risk governance (RiskGONE), is the US Co-Chair for a US-EU Risk Management & Control Community of Research (COR) focused on nanomaterial risks, and an External Advisory Board member for the Town of Cary, NC.