Katryn Eske, Ph.D.
Nutrition Specialist / Assistant Professor of Practice NC A&T Personnelkeeske@ncat.eduNC A&T State University
Greensboro, NC 27420
NC A&T State University
Greensboro, NC 27420
Job Description Provides educational leadership in the development, implementation, and evaluation of research-based, integrative statewide Extension programs that meet the needs of limited-resource and socially disadvantaged audiences. Delivers training and educational support materials for field staff and their clientele/ customers in nutrition, consistent with the philosophy, policy, and overall mission, goals, and educational objectives of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Program. Specific duties include planning and designing programs for community-based implementation to support nutrition educators across the state and provide educational programs to citizens in North Carolina. This position provides training across the state in the seven Cooperative Extension districts for county staff and statewide partners to develop their expertise in delivering nutrition education programs and conducting nutrition education programs in communities upon request by partners and extension staff. This position supervises the Speedway to Health project.