Advisory Tool and Links to Guide Strawberry Disease Management Decisions
All this wet weather will favor the main strawberry fruit rot diseases including Botrytis Fruit Rot (BFR) and Anthracnose Fruit …
Job Description Dr. Frank Louws is Department Head of Horticultural Science and Professor at NC State University. He is a Fellow of the American Phytopathology Society (APS) and has been awarded the APS Excellence in Extension and APS Excellence in Regulatory Affairs and Crop Security. He values the linkage between basic science and translative outcomes that help farmers, companies, and citizens in growing horticultural plants. He has secured over $42m in external funds to advance the mission of horticultural crop production systems, in some cases as a the PD on large grants. His research and extension program focuses on strawberry and vegetable production systems, with emphasis on sustainability and disease management. He has published 238 research products including 94 peer reviewed journal publications, 6 peer reviewed non-journal articles, 14 research review or book chapter publication, 64 contributions to published proceedings, 60 applied research publications, plus 167 published abstracts. To translate research-based information, he has published 345 extension publications including 73 extension bulletins (many with annual updates not re-counted), and 229 industry or extension newsletters and extension outcomes were featured in 43 popular press articles. He enjoys presentations to enhance scientific knowledge and has been an invited speaker to 111 National and International meetings to present research outcomes and over 415 in-state and out-of-state research-based or extension talks. He is also an active member of the American Society for Horticultural Science, APS and frequently active on panels and in editorial roles.
All this wet weather will favor the main strawberry fruit rot diseases including Botrytis Fruit Rot (BFR) and Anthracnose Fruit …
Fungicide Selection for Botrytis and Anthracnose Management 2018 Frank Louws, NC State; Guido Schnabel, Clemson University; and Chuck Johnson, Virginia …