February and March Extension Events
The Viticulture Extension team is happy to announce our upcoming extension events for February and March! Bunch Grape Webinar Series The …
Job Description I work with NC grape growers and NC Cooperative Extension agents to provide extension education materials for best viticulture practices. My field-applied research focuses on pest and disease management practices and potential disease-resistant grape cultivars.
Website grapes.ces.ncsu.edu
The Viticulture Extension team is happy to announce our upcoming extension events for February and March! Bunch Grape Webinar Series The …
The Viticulture Extension team is happy to announce workshops and webinars to kick off 2025! Vineyard Spray Program Design Workshop Join …
Please take action if you are a grape grower that uses mancozeb, a multi-site fungicide, in your spray program for …
NC State Viticulture Extension is offering a Private “V” Credit Recertification online class on July 16th from 1 p.m.- …