Ready, Set, Grow
A cottage garden is a glorious thing. It is filled with plants, wildlife and the gardener’s hopes and dreams. …
A cottage garden is a glorious thing. It is filled with plants, wildlife and the gardener’s hopes and dreams. …
Many plants use deceptive methods to achieve their main goal in life; pollination. There is one family in particular …
Though Easter is a time often adorned with bunnies delivering colorful eggs to your garden, more often those little …
Do you have questions about your home garden? Maybe you are wondering when you should prune your smooth leaf …
Many homeowners are looking for alternatives to monoculture lawns. These areas though beautiful and great for recreation severe very …
The Historic Johnson Farm, located at 3346 Haywood Road, Hendersonville, provides cultural heritage experiences and educational opportunities for school …
Once through the busy holiday season and winter has taken full hold. It seems like an odd time to …
Euphorbia pulcherrima, also known as the poinsettia, is a significantly important plant for the horticulture industry. Millions of poinsettias …
Fall is a great time to think about the ecology of your garden. In the past, design and eye …
Henderson County will likely see its first fall frost this week. That means that plants in the landscape are …
Catasetum type orchids are a very unique group of orchids. This group contains 4 separate genera Catasetum, Clowesia, Mormodes, …
N.C. Cooperative Extension, Henderson County Center has recently seen some upgrades. You may have noticed the new sign out …